Rajasthan Government to Move Three More Reforms to Employment Laws


A happy and satisfied employee is an asset to any organization. If the employees working under a company are happy with their work, they show better performance. Thus, leading to maximum profitability and work efficiency. To maintain high work standards in government offices, Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje attempted to reform three existing employment laws. In a meeting with cabinet ministers yesterday, Raje laid down new provisions for Deputy Wardens, Excise Officers and employees appointed under Compassionate Appointments.

Raje Reforms Employment Laws: Relief for Excise Office, Deputy Wardens and Compassionate Appointees

Widows of deceased government employees will be exempted from qualifying typing or computer tests. This would bestow financial security upon women.
Widows of deceased government employees will be exempted from qualifying typing or computer tests. This would bestow financial security upon women.
  • Chief Sentinel, Assistant Wardens and Deputy Wardens will be Merged under a Common Group.

According to Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Rajendra Rathore, Rajasthan government intends to revise the Jail Subordinate Service Act of 1998. New rule will dissolve existing posts of Chief Sentinel, Assistant Warden etc. and merge them under the common group of Deputy warden. Following the successful implementation of this act, future vacancies will recruit 50% Deputy wardens directly. The remaining 50% vacant posts will accommodate chief sentinel and assistant wardens that have been promoted to deputy wardens.

  • New Provisions for Excise Personnel

When tax exercise act was abolished in 1998, all matriculate officers working on that post were promoted to Gram Sevak rank. Nevertheless, less qualified  officers were not promoted till date. The said personnel will be promoted to the rank of Class IV employee without any increment in their wages. The said officers are entitled to receive minimum salaries and allowances set for Class IV employees. This category will include those workers whose academic qualifications are less than class V.

  • Relief for Workers Employed Under Compassionate Appointments

Under Section 9 of Compassionate Appointment of 1996, the protégé of a deceased government employee was appointed in their place. Following the appointment, he was expected to qualify a mandatory exam on computer applications within 2 years from the date of employment. In case the candidate fails to qualify exam within the stipulated time, he was appointed on probation for the said duration.

Raje laid down new provisions for Deputy Wardens, Excise Officers and employees appointed under Compassionate Appointments.
Raje laid down new provisions for Deputy Wardens, Excise Officers and employees appointed under Compassionate Appointments.

As per new norms, employees appointed under Compassionate Appointment will have to clear required training, departmental examinations and typing test within three years from the date of appointment. Moreover, the Department of Workforce Personnel will take one case at a time to settle pending applications.

Widows of deceased government employees will be exempted from qualifying typing or computer tests. This would bestow financial security upon women.

Raje made an attempt to revamp existing employment laws to encourage more people for government vacancies. This would leave the doors open for widows and youngsters in future.


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