Currency Demonetisation has hit farmers the worst: Sachin Pilot

The Minister of State for Communications & IT, Shri Sachin Pilot addressing the media at the launch of BSNL’s Mobile Scheme “Pyari Jodi” in New Delhi on November 4, 2010.

Amidst the breeze of demonetisation which happens to have swept the nation ever since it was announced, there are scores of troubles faced by the public. However, the public  including farmers are ready to bear the brunt of the decision .

To our wonder, who is apparently worried about the farmer’s situations is Sachin pilot. Congress state president Sachin Pilot on Tuesday said the BJP-government was not even buying the “mung” (vigna radiata) crop from farmers in Rajasthan, leave aside fixing its minimum support price (MSP) fairly.

“Fortunately, farmers have reaped a good crop of ‘mung’ this season and should have got an MSP of Rs 8000 per quintal instead of Rs 5200 per quintal. But the BJP-government is not even buying it because of which the farmers are forced to sell the produce for just Rs 3000-Rs3500 per quintal,” Pilot said, addressing a huge gathering of farmers at Degana in Nagaur district.

The Congress state president said farmers were the worst hit by demonetisation, as rural areas lacked basic banking infrastructure. “Imposing demonetisation without planning for rural and remote areas has left the villagers confused and stranded. They are still unable to understand the change brought by demonetisation, while the government is doing nothing to help them,” Pilot said at the farmers’ rally.

Pilot doesn’t miss a chance to take a jibe at chief minister Vasundhara Raje. He went on record to say,”CM has worked against the constitution by holding meetings on caste lines. If she were interested in state’s development or people’s welfare, she could have held the meetings on the basis of geographical or administrative regions”.He pointed out that the ministers skipping her meeting on Jal Swavlamban Yojana indicated how futile the scheme was. “This scheme is just to grab donations in disguise.” Enough said!

Well,as far is grabbing is concerned, grabbing mines from their rightful owners would have been as much painful for them.What doesn’t seem to go out of our mind any sooner is the Ambulance scam.We are simply left skeptical about the speaker’s own credibility, following the events and multiple affairs!


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