Jaipur: Emerging start-up hub? Thanks to government subsidies and seamless operations cycle

    Starup in Jaipur

    A brilliant start-up here and another awesome start up there. Start ups have become the new anthem for all Indians; youth or middle-aged or retired are eyeing at cashing a new startup opportunity.

    From major metro cities like Bombay, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore becoming a start up hub, it is not surprising to hear about startup stories at these places. But what is surprising to note is how Jaipur, our very capital city is joining the league of these metro cities. Quite surprising is the fact that a slew of startups which are gaining appreciation and business orders from across the country. Let’s take a sneak peek into stories of some wonderful start up founders from the Pink city who have combated all odds to manifest their idea and make it Large. These startup founders were present at the IT day which was celebrated at the city.

    Government is providing a slew of subsides through the MNRT department which has gone a long way in helping these startups unleash their full potential as financial laggards are taken care of. The Rajasthan Renewal Energy Corporation (RREC) is providing major subsidies to start ups categorically in the field of power sector. Jaipur start ups say that easy availability of subsidies has facilitated them in pitching for the client. Additionally, Jaipur start-up founders claim that the climate and the overall ecological system provides a robust environment for the business to grow.

    The proud founder of a start-up named “Jaipur Start-up community” said that he recognized the lack of connectivity amongst the 12000 IT firms registered in the city. This start-up aims at doing just that. They better the interconnectivity and improve an open communication flow between the various IT firms spread across the city and beyond.

    Other start-up founders were happy with Jaipur being their work place. They said that the operational activity is as seamless and cost-effective for firms as compared to other cities like Gurgaon, Mumbai, etc. However they also informed that many investors abandoned business opportunities which were based out of Jaipur, owing to it’s traditional image of being inferior to other ciites.

    Well, the fact that Jaipur’s startups have not yet been recognized as well as that of other major cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, etc. is not a hidden truth. The Jaipur start ups may have gone unnoticed and perhaps still not accorded it’s legitimate recognition. The state government is pioneering transformational schemes to facelift the start-up face of the city and it’s ensuing benefits are welcomed by all ignited minds dwelling in this beautiful city.


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