On 5th January, Chief Minister Smt.Vasundhara Raje addressed the masses in Bharatpur. She expressed that Rajasthan has and will continue to reach burgeoning horizons of growth and development, while a handful of politicians have been in a bid to thwart the progress of the state, with consistent attempts to initiate agitation and create agony amongst the various classes dwelling in the state. She also claimed that despite the persistent efforts of the opposition, the state will unconditionally make unwavering efforts in the direction of state progression.
Smt. Vasundhara Raje visited the city of Bharatpur, on the completion of 3 years popularly coined as #3YearsOfSuraaj. She addressed the masses at the Lohagarh Stadium. A plethora of mega projects were introduced at the venue. She also spelled out that although 3 years happen to be a shorter time period to accomplish all the promises made, however, the government has accentuated the frequency of its efforts and accomplished the impossible.
Rajasthan provided a major fillip to the ‘Cashless India’
Rajasthan has not left any stones unturned to bolster the developments necessary to enable India become a cashless economy. She also informed the masses that the state is now equipped with 23000 ATMs, 40000 e-Mitra centers clubbed with a galaxy of POS machines.
Raje was happy to inform that more than 270 services in 70 departments have been formidably equipped to transact digitally. Raje informed that Rs 71 crore will be spent on immediate upgradation of Gurgaon canal.
CM Raje also shed light on the recent accolade presented to Ajmer by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi after the city became totally cashless and entered the list of 5 major cashless districts.
We are formidably connected to Bharatpur
CM Vasundhara Raje expressed her immense emotional connect with the city of Bharatpur. In the previous tenure of the Raje-led government, immense work was accomplished in the city. She substantiated her expression by informing that the scheme of ‘Sarkaar Aapke Dwaar’ has alleviated the grievances of hundreds of city dwellers.
Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan will encompass Bharatpur
CM Raje happily informed that post the successful completion of the first phase of Jan Swavalamban Abhiyan, the second phase has laso commenced. She reflected on the ultra successful implementation of the scheme owing to construction of percolation tanks, which proliferated the water levels in wells across the city. On water conservation issue, she said that 165 villages of Bharatpur district will be covered under the ambit of Jal Swavlamban campaign.
11,75,000 employment opportunities stemmed out in 3 years
CM Vasundhara Raje rightly informed the masses that as many as 11,75,000 employment opportunities have been generated for the city dwellers. She also informed that as many as 1 lakh jobs were rooted from public bodies.
She also informed that owing to comprehensive improvements in the realm of education have given a true fillip to the education system in the city.
A sum of Rs. 4 crore has been allocated towards city development
In the 3 years of governance, nearly around Rs. 4 crore have been incurred towards the urbanization and development of the city. She also announced the budgets. She also informed the masses that the promise to construct a ‘Nagar Nigam’ has also been fulfilled.
Huge amounts allocated towards Road development
A whopping sum of Rs. 1737 crore allocated towards the road infrastructure of the city. The state Chief Minister heartily informed the masses the road network connecting Bharatpur, Bayana, Hindon, Gangapur city. CM Raje also announced Rs 200 crore for road for Brij Chaurasi Parikrama. She also proclaimed Rs 36 crore for road to Gowardhan and Rs 106 crore for Khedli to Pahadi state highway.
Allocation of amount for developments in the city
On the grounds of Bharatpur, CM Raje also allocated a sum of 21.11 crore for the development and growth of the city. At the event, the Chief Minister also launched a website in nexus with Rarah Gram Panchayat. She also adopted a noble cause, exhorting all city dwellers to plant 5 crops, when a daughter takes birth in a house.
CM Raje procliamed that she will discuss renovation of Sujanganga with ASI officials. Moreover, CM also assigned funds for new projects and laying foundation for six developmental works worth Rs 21.11 crore.
On the occasion of the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, Vasundhara Raje paid due reverence to the tenth Sikh Guru at the event. CM also inaugurated an exclusive exhibition named ‘Suraaj’ clubbed with a ‘Health fair’. She also inaugurated a Cancer awareness camp. Not only this, she also distributed benefits to all the beneficiaries decalred by virtue of a galaxy of schemes initiated by the government.
CM Raje has always been a pioneer of sound education system, especially for girls. At the event too, she felicitated a slew of exceptionally bright students, encouraging them to work more meticulously in future.