10 Facts about Valentines Week: February 7 to February 14


    No matter how lowly you rate Valentine’s week, you can’t help but agree that when you make your loved ones feel special, it leaves a long-lasting mark on their memory. It rekindles and strengthens love among people. Perhaps this is why the world observes Valentine’s day to enjoy the feeling of true love.

    Traditionally, people celebrate Valentine’s day or the ‘Day of Romance’ to honour the sacrifice of Saint Valentine, who was martyred in fifth century. This is why, the Valentine’s Day on February 14 is celebrated as the ‘Feast of St. Valentine’ or ‘Saint Valentine’s Day’ in Christian communities. Though, the concept was borrowed from ancient Roman holiday Lupercalia.

    What started as a western practice soon spread around the world. People celebrate the Valentine’s week from February 8 to February 14. On this occasion, people exchange card, flowers, gifts, candies, chocolate and other goodies with their loved ones.

    In case you don’t know what to gift when, just take a look at our Valentine’s day calendar.

    Valentine’s Week Calendar: Enjoy Falling in Love

    7 Feb: Rose Day

    Because when you can’t express your heart’s feelings, trust the roses to do so.

    8 Feb: Propose Day

    Because life is too long to live alone, you need someone to be there, just for you.

    9 Feb: Chocolate day

    Because love is like a chocolate. The best memories are half-eaten.

    10 Feb: Teddy Day

    Because everyone needs a big bear hug on sad days.

    11 Feb: Promise Day

    Because promises are meant to be kept forever.

    12 Feb: Kiss Day

    Because a kiss is more than playing mouth wrestling with one another’s tongue. It’s a sweet gesture of assurance.

    13 Feb: Hug Day

    Because hugs make you feel loved and wanted, even on bad hair days.

    14 Feb: Valentine’s Day

    Because it’s good to express your love every once in a while.

    And then There are a Few Extras on Our Calendar

    15 Feb: Slap Day

    Because a slap may knock some sense into them, when they’re too stubborn to understand.

    16 Feb: Kick Day

    Because love is incomplete without a little craziness.

    17 Feb: Perfume Day

    Because love is like a perfume.

    18 Feb: Flirting Day

    Because flirting is more than friendship and less than a relationship.

    19 Feb: Confession Day

    Because confessions are a part of life.

    20 Feb: Missing Day

    Because life is so short and the moments fly by, it’s good to miss someone because it reminds you of their love.

    21 Feb: Breakup Day

    Because two good people can’t always make a good relationship.


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