Why 24 and 25 January are Important dates in Indian History?


    January – the foremost month of the Georgian calendar is the month of fresh beginnings. Each year, this month adds a new chapter to the world history. However, in India, January is not just synonymous with a fresh start, but it also holds a special significance in Indian history. This is the month when India was declared as a free, democratic republic. A month that is synonymous with holy beginnings, the transit of the sun from one house of the zodiac to another house and the dark memories of the untimely death of the Father of our nation.

    Out of the 31 days in January, did you know that 24 and 25 January have a special significance in Indian history? Let’s unveil the mystery surrounding these dates.

    Importance of 24 January in Indian History

    1. The Adaptation of the Indian National Anthem Jan Gan Man

    The national anthem of India, written by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore was adapted from the first five stanza of his famous hymn titled ‘Bharot Bhagyo Bidhata’. It was translated in Hindi and finally adapted as the anthem on 24 January, 1950. For those who don’t know, it just takes 52 seconds to sing the national anthem. It was first sung by the Constituent Assembly on 27 December 1911 in Calcutta.

    1. Signing of the Indian Constitution

    The Indian constitution that came into force on 26 January was first signed by the 284 members of the Indian Constituent Assembly on 24 January, 1950. The constitution was drafted by Bheem Rao Ambedkar and hand-written by Prem Behari Narain Raizada. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi were among the first few signees of the Indian constitution.

    1. National Girl Child Day

    Seeing the increasing atrocities against women and that female infanticide is enhancing day by day, the government decided to observe the National girl child day every year. The underlying motive is to generate awareness regarding gender inequality experienced by females in key sectors like education, honour, nutrition, child marriage, medical care and social protection.

    Importance of 24 January in Indian History

    1. National Voters Day

    The former Prime Minister of India observed 25 January as the National Voters Day that came into effect during his term. The objective of observing this day was to generate awareness regarding elections among the youth population of India. Therefore, every year, the Election Commission of India enrols new voters to the voter’s list by this day.

    1. National Tourism Day

    India, being one of the most happening tourist destinations of the world observes 25 January as National Tourism Day to run lucrative campaigns to attract vacationers towards the mystical gems of India.

    So, this is why these dates have a considerable significance in Indian history. They’re followed by the Indian Republic Day that falls on January 26.


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