In his tenure, Gehlot offered the luring deal of lowered electricity rates to the state farmers. This obviously could not last long because these relieves had a backbone of heavy loans taken by the Gehlot government. Ashok Gehlot has always played with superficial promises which showed its true colours when the Rajasthan DISCOMs faced heavy losses. Resultantly, the state DISCOMS ended up with the total loss of more than Rs. 77,000 crores. Of course, Gehlot government did not take any responsibility for their own failed plans.
The situation worsened when the state government was not able to fetch any further loan amounts because of the miserable monetary situations. But, with great vision comes the most impactful results. That’s what CM Vasundhara Raje did in her tenure after the year 2013.
Raje government hit the grounds with waiving off the heavy loan amount of DISCOMs with UDAY:
Unlike, Gehlot government, the current ruling government realised the need of reformation of the state agriculture from the very start and brought the state farmers out of the heavy loan amounts. Being sensitive towards farmers’ needs Raje government have even given relief in the electricity tariffs which originally was fostered by the Gehlot government.
Hike in prices was never a decision of the Raje government.
After discussing the pros and cons with the party and public representatives, Grameen Karyakarta, and Kisaan Sangh representatives, Raje government took this decision of relieving the farmers from the stress of hiked electricity tariffs.
Inclination towards green energy.
State’s energy minister, Mr. Pushpendra Singh promptly mentioned today that, the state will bring green energy options in light and will try to produce maximum electricity. Apart from that, the state government will also foster the alternate energy production options like solar energy production and wind energy production. Rajasthan is moving towards becoming an energy-sufficient state of the country.
WE can hardly deny the fact that CM Vasundhara Raje has visionary goals for Rajasthan state. Stabilizing the miserable conditions of the state DISCOMs is a foremost priority of the state government.
What the previous government had left were the pile of the loans taken disguised as a lowered electricity charges.
Gehlot government had left the DISCOM in such great dearth that getting any loan was the biggest challenge in front of Raje government.