Seeing that corruption in India is rising at an alarming rate, there’s an urgent need to make government proceedings more transparent, efficient and publicly accessible. Keeping this in mind, Rajasthan government decided to take a historic step towards digital future. From today onwards, the government would conduct paperless cabinet meetings that will store all administration data online.
To accomplish this seemingly hard mission, Raje government had integrated ‘e-Cabinet’, application to manage Rajasthan officer affairs. This e-office application is developed by the state IT team. Soon, they’ll allow uploading of important data like final cabinet order release and departmental memos. All the procedures will be conducted electronically to improve efficiency of the system.
What are the benefits? This app will do away with huge pile of files amassing inside the office. It’ll remove ambiguity in government orders and help save time on processing of files during Cabinet meetings. The idea is to shift from paper to e-Cabinet meetings. This may seem a bit hard at first but it’s not an impossible task. In the first few meetings, the state will run a manual system alongside e-cabinet to familiarise state ministers and officials adapt the newfound system.
How will it Help the Ministers?
According to the new system, all cabinet memos and documents submitted by various government departments to the cabinet secretariat will be done online. The secretariat will scrutinize these memos online. All doubts, complaints and clarifications concerning various departments will be sorted electronically.
One the CM grants electronic approval to the application filed by the departments, the Cabinet secretariat will schedule a meeting with cabinet ministers. After the administration grants the permission, the agenda will be finalize. It’ll be followed by the circulation of notices to each and every member. The notice will be dispatched to various ministers through emails or SMS.
How is E-Cabinet Beneficial for State?
Digitisation of cabinet proceedings will help save time on processing of applications. It’ll also save time on circulation of data between various departments. Moreover, it’ll facilitate easy updation of system.
In short, it’ll bring a difference in how the authorities work at Secretariat level. Hopefully it’ll help resolve major issues on time.