The water miseries for city dwellers residing in multi-storied building is soon going to end. Public Health and Engineering Department (PHED) has announced to provide new water connections. This will be applied from Friday, December 2, 2016. Currently, the department has facility to provide water only for “ground plus two floors” buildings.
The building residents will be charged Rs. 42 which is one time charge for building up the space for connection. Earlier PHED had charged the one time amount of Rs. 62 per square feet. To get the connection of water, the resident welfare association requires to submit building plan with mentioning total area for built-up apart from number of flats.
The superintending engineer of that circle will be responsible for making available water connection within 60 days. Post assessment, the developers owners RWA will issued a demand note. While the construction of multi-storied building on the area of 2000 square feet, there will be regular supply of domestic water at the set rate of 5 persons per flat. Also, for the area of above 2000, at the time of construction of multi-storied building, water will be made available at the rate of seven people per flat. This consumption of water has been estimated at 135 litres per capita per day. Also, PHED has made available water for underground water tank of the building. For building the needed capacity water tanks, the owners will take the responsibility of construction along with the installation of water pumps.
In every 3 months, applications for potable water will be invited. A PHED engineer said, “For this initiative, priority would be given to existing multi-storied buildings. Area covered by Bisalpur system will get preference”.
Amidst the huge issue of water under supply, this will set as a pioneer step in water needs of the city.