An inspiring, well-informed and smart teacher is an asset to academic institutions, as he or she influences the accomplishments of students. Therefore, it’s important for the school authorities to train both new and experienced educators to ensure that they’re at par with the changing requirements of education system. It looks like Rajasthan government has given it a thought since the state education department has braced itself to provide adequate learning facilities for teacher and student development at private school.
Why Private Teachers in Rajasthan require Training?
There are about 35,000 private schools in Rajasthan and most of them are small-scale ventures running short on budget. Therefore, they neither have sufficient resources nor facilities to invest in teach training. Probably that’s why the learning outcomes of Rajasthan private schools are not as impressive as expected.
Moreover, the advent of new technologies inside smart classrooms is swiftly changing the pace of learning. In modern classrooms, teachers require adequate knowledge and skills to harness maximum benefits of changing technologies. Many education institutes feel pressurised due to privatization and intense marketing so, they don’t pay attention to this aspect.
Taking a positive step in this direction, Rajasthan government has handed this responsibility to DIET (District Institute of Education and Trainings).
What is DIET?
DIET is an autonomous body functioning under Rajasthan state education department. Along with SIERT (State Institute for Education Research and Training), these groups generate funds by renting resources and running programmes. In future, it’s likely to run training programmes for conference rooms, smart classrooms, computer libraries in its offices spread over the entire district.
Since the government is already spending 92% of its budget on paying teacher salaries, with this move, it aims to kill two birds with a single stone– cope with shortage of funds and to ensure holistic development of teachers. In return for these services, Rajasthan government will charge nominal fees from private schools.
How will it Accomplish this Mission?
DIET plans to provide pre-service teachers training for new teachers before appointments. They’ll run programmes to improve the quality of academic syllabus and classroom teaching, a fact that was reported by Rajasthan education minister Vasudev Devnani. Moreover, with the state renting its facilities, schools can test their hand at new technologies.
It seems a promising option at present, as it’ll not just reduce economic burden on state government, but also ensure all-round development of teachers and students.