Collectors SP Conference Day 1: Power on Priority for Rajasthan Government

3 Years of suraaj

‘Rani of Reforms’ Prepare Report Cards for Various Departments, Holds Collectors SP Conference to Evaluate Performance.

The collectors SP conference starting from Thursday, November 24 will evaluate the performance of various government officials working in Rajasthan. Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, on the first day of this 4-day meeting raised concern on the functioning of existing officers. Since the ruling BJP has just 22 months left in its tenure, the CM is determined to eliminate every black spot that could be detrimental for government in the upcoming Rajasthan state assembly elections. Power management was on topmost priority for the government. Important ideas and suggestions were exchanged in course of the meeting to improve the working of various departments.

‘Any Kind of Slackness Will Not Be Tolerated’, says Raje.

The collectors SP conference started with CM Raje delivering crisp and strong instructions for all officers. She demanded them to dispose pending complaints and allot appropriate funds to MP and MLA accounts for developmental projects. Failure to do would result in government taking strict action against the concerned officer. If a particular case is beyond the jurisdiction of an officer, it should be forwarded to concerned departments.

Rajasthan Government Put Power on the Priority List

Proper and timely transmission of electricity to remote rural regions is a major concern for Rajasthan government. Electricity is critically important for farmers, now that Rabi crop season is around the corner. State Home Minister Gulab Singh Katariya requested Rajasthan CM to supply more electricity in agricultural areas of Rajasthan, especially during day.

Seeing the gravity of the matter, the CM directed all the officers to create awareness regarding power thefts, solar pumps and efficient electricity management in their respective constituency. Electricity alone has caused fiscal mismanagement in the previous year. When ex-Congress government had left DISCOM in a debt of Rs. 80,000 crores, the subsequent BJP government had to focus on clearing these debts. Thus, rather than framing new energy policies, the government was busy siphoning funds from other sources to reduce financial burden on state.

As per state statistics, Bharatpur and Dhaulpur are prime victims to power thefts. The CM specifically requested the collectors, tahsildars and block officers to monitor power transmission in the said districts. In the light of recent power hikes, Katariya requested the government to exempt farmers from paying electricity bill. This would provide them respite from demonetisation brunt. To this, the CM assured that she would take appropriate steps to ease this problem.

Moreover, she stressed on the ‘Bithur Model’ of Ajmer, wherein village women played the role of ‘Urja Mitra’ to report power theft in their surroundings. She asked the officers to implement this model in their respective constituencies. If power thefts are reduce by just 18%, government can then supply electricity to every village. Under the Bithur model, installation of new transformers and feeders was proposed. Also, the participating members decided to choose SMS to send updates.

This pretty much sums up all the major points discussed on electricity.

Officers and Secretaries from Various Department Raised Important Ideas in their Presentation

Following this discussion, the CM took presentations of chief secretaries, secretaries and heads of 10 departments mainly PWD, medical and healthcare, food supply, public health engineering, rural development, education, agriculture, energy, labour force, women and child development, social justice and empowerment.

The first day proceeded quite smoothly. On the second day, 8 collectors from Alwar, Ajmer, Jhaalawad, Udaipur and Rajasamnd will deliver presentation on departmental proceedings.

By these meetings, it’s apparent that the CM is serious about her schemes and would leave no stone unturned to retain her thrown in 2018 Rajasthan elections.


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