CM Vasundhara Raje Receives e-Ratna Award from Computer Society of India


CM Vasundhara Raje has been given the honor of India’s first e-Ratna by the Computer Society of India. Not only has this, under her leadership, Rajasthan also emerged as the ‘Best e-governance state of India’ for the second time in a row. e-Ratna Award

The occasion was the 52nd Annual Convention of CSI organized in Kolkata whereby several policies of the government were honored by the CSI Nihilent e-Governance awards. As the Chief Minister couldn’t attend the event, the Deputy Speaker of Rajasthan Assembly Rao Rajendra Singh received both the awards on behalf of CM Raje and the state. e-Ratna Award

Read More: देश और राजस्थान की पहली महिला कुली की कहानी सुनकर भावुक हो गए राष्ट्रपति कोविंद

Although the e-Governance awards are being awarded from the past 16 years but the e-Ratna award has been newly introduced by CSI. CM Raje is the first person to have received the award for e-Ratna. There are many states which are considered as the IT hub but with two consecutive wins, Rajasthan has left behind a lot of them in the competition.

This year, there were 180 projects from several departments of Union and state governments, which were evaluated on the basis of various criteria of implementing information and utilizing computer technologies for providing such solutions for government services that are reliable and transparent. The projects from Rajasthan that have scored high on this criterion in a way reflect CM Raje’s good governance through digital solutions.

However, the state hasn’t just been awarded recognition in just IT field; many other initiatives of the Rajasthan government under various social schemes have also been awarded at the event. These include:

  • State Category Award for the best state in the –governance category.
  • Best Initiative in the field of healthcare award by Bhamashah Swasthya Bima Yojna
  • Raj Mahila Suraksha Award in women safety and security
  • Raj e-Gyan in education
  • Fraud Detection Framework for process innovation
  • Excellent initiative of the year award by Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyaan


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