Bhamashah Swastha Beema Yojana (BSBY) is a persistent ‘beacon of hope’ for the underprivileged

Health Insurance Cover of Rs. 30,000/- for general illnesses and Rs. 3.00 lacs for critical illnesses shall be given to a family on floater basis in one year for IPD procedures. 7-day pre-hospitalisation and 15 days post hospitalization is covered under the scheme. Transport allowance of Rs. 100 to Rs. 500 for cardiac and polytrauma cases. Patients shall be benefitted for 1045 packages under General Illnesses, 500 packages under Critical Illnesses, and 170 packages reserved for Govt. Hospitals.

The Bhamashah Swastha Beema Yojana (BSBY) has touched lives and mended health by its virtue of aiding underprivileged people.

Madina Bano gifted another life via BSBY

The Bhamashah Swastha Beema Yojana has proved to be a benison for Madina Bano, a 65-year old Hameerkha resident. Madina, who is a widow, suffered a heart failure in the year 2009. Madina’s family used to collect money from different sources to afford dialysis fees for Madina. To avail dialysis absolutely free under the BSBY Yojana, Madina had to come to Jaipur. RLJT hospital situated in Chuddela commenced soon after. Madino Bano couldn’t have been happier. She received dialysis services absolutely free of charge under BSBY. Not only this, she could get her dialysis twice absolutely free of charge. “The BSBY has provided immense relief and I am highly grateful to the Rajasthan government for the same,” recipient Madina Bano said.

The Bhamashah Swastha Beema Yojana has proved to be a benison for Madina Bano, a 65-year old Hameerkha resident. Madina, who is a widow, suffered a heart failure in the year 2009. Madina’s family used to collect money from different sources to afford dialysis fees for Madina.

Maduram’s gallstones disease treated successfully under BSBY

Maduram received big relief under BSBY. Dotard Maduram couldn’t find relief anywhere in his old days. However, BSBY came to his rescue and relieved him of the gallstones disease. 68-year- old Maduram who hails from Fatehpura, Jhunjhunu couldn’t find any help coming from his family members due to the high cost of operations. Not only did Maduram receive free operation facility, his entire stay at the hospital was free including his meals. He was also allotted an AC dorm. Maduram feels all his prayers have been answered by the government-run BSBY when his gallstone operation was successfully conducted at the Dhukia hospital. The operation was conducted on July 15 by renowned surgeon Dr. Manoj Manu.

BSBY came to his rescue and relieved him of the gallstones disease. 68-year- old Maduram who hails from Fatehpura, Jhunjhunu couldn’t find any help coming from his family members due to the high cost of operations.

Roshni relieved of Appendix via BSBY

Jhunjhunu’s 17-year- old Roshni was enduring tremendous pain due to Appendix but no longer; Roshni has recovered and is back to absolute normal by the virtue of BSBY. Roshni was traumatised by Appendix day and night. Her inability to afford the operation accentuated her agony. However, much to her delight, Roshni found BSBY by her side. Roshni was the recipient of AC ward, comprehensive meals in addition to the free Appendix operation. Vikas Dhukia, Managing Director of Dhukia Hospital informed that Roshni was admitted on July 14 and her operation was successfully conducted on July 16. Roshni’s acquaintance Kishor informed that amidst financial distressing situation, Roshni’s increasing health needs ensued a period of upheaval for the entire family. He conveyed his heartfelt thanks to the Rajasthan government and the Dhukia hospital.

Jhunjhunu’s 17-year- old Roshni was enduring tremendous pain due to Appendix but no longer; Roshni has recovered and is back to absolute normal by the virtue of BSBY.


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