CM Vasundhara Raje Is Set to Lay down Foundation Stone for her New Infrastructure Projects in Jaipur…
As 2018 Rajasthan assembly elections are approaching new year, CM Vasundhara Raje is set to deliver her promises within the stipulated period of 2 years. This week, we can see her inaugurate six new infrastructure projects worth Rs. 150 crore in ‘Pink City’ Jaipur. The government aims to work on key sectors like road, urban development and connectivity to kill two birds with a single stone– resolve traffic issues and to improve internal infrastructure.
Raje Intends to Improve Infrastructure before 2018 Rajasthan Assembly Elections
- Arjun Nagar underpass
Arjun Nagar underpass and Riddhi-Siddhi high level bridge were recently constructed by JDA (Jaipur Development Authority).
We were habitual of seeing traffic snarls near Arjun Nagar. Nevertheless, this brand new underpass will divert fleeting vehicles to other regions. JDA had spent around Rs. 10.50 crores on this underpass, which completed just a month ago.
- Riddhi-Siddhi bridge
JDA has spent Rs. 47 crores on this six lane bridge over Dravyavati river to ensure swift connectivity between Riddhi Siddhi and Mansarovar areas. Hundreds of daily commuters will be benefitted by the inauguration of these projects. It’ll ensure better connectivity via taxis and buses.
- Bassi Railway Over Bridge
JDA is set to construct ROB (Railway over bridge) on RC 200 (railway crossing number 200) in Bassi. This will allow commuters to travel from one side of railway lines to the otherer Projects
Following long list of tragic accidents that happened near Bambala Puliya on Tonk Road, Raje government had decided to remodel this road. Earlier, due to faulty road planning, the 18m passage allotted to vehicular traffic was narrow. This resulted in several mishaps. However, now, the roads will be widened to accommodate more vehicles. This 26m wide puliya (small bridge) will be constructed over Dravyavati river. Engineers will develop green area in a small portion of these roads to maintain healthy traffic.
These projects will not just beautify the infrastructure and aesthetics of Jaipur, but also prevent road accidents in the city.