Jodhpur: The Emerging Legal Capital of Rajasthan?


Jodhpur DLSA bags First Prize for delivering Commendable Legal Service in Rajasthan, state capital Jaipur far behind in the Legal Race.

Last few years have been kind to Rajasthan’s “Blue City” Jodhpur that basks in the glory of sturdy legal system. The DLSA (District Legal Service Authority) that comes under Jodhpur Metropolis was rewarded for its exemplary legal services towards the common man. This Monday, Chief Justice Naveen Sinha, the executive chairman of SLSA (State Legal Service Authority) bestowed the city with first prize in legal services. This award was received by DLSA secretary Prem Rathan Ojha.


Jodhpur Counts its Blessings this Year, Long List of Laurels added to its Name

Jodhpur unit managed to grab the ‘Best Para Legal Volunteer’ award as, well. And this is not all. On November 9, Jodhpur DLSA won the prestigious award for being the ‘Best Legal service authority’ in India. This award was presented by CJI T.S. Thakur at a ceremony held in New Delhi, on the occasion of National Legal Services Day.

Jodhpur’s illustrious legal talents were recognized by NALSA (National Legal Services Authority) that was established under the 1987 Legal Services Authorities Act. The body is known for organizing Lok Adalats for timely settlement of disputes and for providing free legal aid to the needy.

What Makes Jodhpur Legally Superior to Other Cities?

Justice Atul Kumar Chaterjee, Chairman of DLSA happily shared their law projects. Chaterjee sees this accomplishment as a result of swift legal activities carried by Jodhpur DLSA in last two years. DLSA worked independently as well in association with state administration towards generating public awareness on government run welfare schemes in state. They’ve put in intense efforts to make people aware of their legal rights to abolish social evils occurring due to negligence.

Local authorities have taken some creative measures in this direction. Introducing the missed call scheme for requesting legal help, disposing legal cases through mediation and organizing workshops for women safety and self defence are some positive steps taken in this direction. They’ve also taken measures to prevent common social evils like dowry, female foeticide, child labour and child marriage.

DLSA is lauded for providing medical aid to mentally challenged people, providing relief to Pakistani-Hindu migrants and arranging deportation of illegally trafficked Bangladeshi girls. Legal authorities at Jodhpur took cognizance of common issues plaguing the common men and issued appropriate compensation to the victims. Thus, their out-of-the-box activities and public initiatives have made them rightful contender of legal awards.


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