BJP Rajasthan President Ashok Parnami Wholeheartedly Appreciated CM Raje’s Historic Move For State Farmers


CM Vasundhara Raje recently took a fortunate decision in favour of state farmers. The state government rolled back the hiked electricity charges under farming sector and the farmers could not stop thanking the Rajasthan chief minister for this. BJP Rajasthan chairman, Ashok Parnami  wholeheartedly thanked CM Raje for taking this historic decision in favour of farmers.

Mr. Parnami addressed the media crowd and revealed that the duration of civil liabilities for agriculture consumers will be decreased from 4 months to 2 months. Also, the settlement amount rate has also been decreased from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 1000 per horse power. During this address, he also highlighted the new additions like VCR monitoring committees at district levels for registering the grievances from farmers.

He threw light on DISCOM’s increasing inconveniences and keeping these in consideration CM Raje took this brave decision. Also, there is 20% relief on farmers’ pump load checking which will amuse more than 5 lakh farmers in the state.

A Sigh Of Relief For Electricity Consumers

BJP Rajasthan president Ashok Parnami assured that various campaigns will be organised in the state to make sure that grievances and pleads of electricity consumers are entertained and rectified on time.

Mr. Parnami also spoke on increased electricity charges saying that the decision was taken in the working tenure of Congress. He also highlighted the fact that, during that time, Congress treated the electricity department with Rs. 80,000 crore loan amount. On contrary, CM Vasundhara Raje brought the considerable change into these numbers by lowering the loan amount. Every year, an amount of Rs. 20,000 crore was adjusted in the yearly budget by Raje government.

Congress Misguided The Masses

During this summit, Ashok Parnami also said that, Congress itself increased the electricity charges for farmers and signed the MOU. But, now they are not speaking anything about this and have always misguided the public. He assured that the current decision will extensively benefit the Rajasthan state farmers.

Heartily Thanks CM Vasundhara Raje

BJP government is sensitive towards farmers and agriculture. For taking this extensive and brave decision, Bhartiya Janta Party is grateful towards CM Vasundhara Raje.


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