RBI to issue new Rs. 5, 10 denomination coins; aims to memorialize historic days, institutions


    Endless speculations of issuance of new Rs 10 and Rs 5 notes are rife in the market, which have finally come to rest after RBI’s announcement to issue new coins for the lower denomination of Rs 10 and Rs 5.

    Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will soon issue new Rs 10 and Rs 5 coins which will be put in circulation. The 10 rupee coins have been designed to memorialize the 125th year of National Archives of India.

    Spilling beans on the design of the Rs 10 coin, the Central bank revealed that the reverse of the coin will have an image of the National Archives Building inscribed on it. In addition, the reverse side of Rs 10 coin will have 125 years inscribed on it in a beautiful font.

    To top it all off, the coin will have an inspiring logo inscribed on the coin. As per the description furnished by the Central Bank, the new coin will sure be fascinating.

    What came a relief for the Indian public, however, was RBI’s announcement In nexus with the validity of the old coins. RBI cleared the air by stating that the existential coins before demonetization will continue to be legal tender.

    Along with the logos and the years inscribed onto the coin, the coin will sport four years which will be written on the top, bottom, left and right of the coin. Years “1916” and “2016” shall be inscribed in international numerals on the left and right of the image, while the upper the lower side of the coin will have 1891″ and “2016” inscribed on it.

    The new Rs. 5 coins will also be a beauty of it’s own. The Central Bank will be used to memorialize the 150th anniversary of Allahabad High Court.

    RBI revealed that the Rs. 5 coin will sport the front architecture of the RBI Allahabad High Court, which will be shown as if stemming from a book. Like the Rs 10 coin, Rs 5 coin will also have years inscribed onto it. Years 1866-2016 will be inscribed in English numerals at the bottom of the book image. What an inspirational design. Isn’t it?

    Well, we can’t wait to see and feel the new coins. RBI, however has not yet declared a specific date of the issuance of the coins.


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