Media Portrays BJP MLA Rajawat’s Statement to Mislead Public on Demonetisation Case

BJP MLA Bhawani Singh Rajawat

“I was just chatting informally with some journalists but did not give any statement against demonetisation”, says Bhawani Singh Rajawat.

While the public is gradually warming up to demonetisation, certain media houses are trying to mislead the common man by misquoting political statements under Opposition’s pressure. Bhawani Singh Rajawat, an MLA from BJP Rajasthan recently fell prey to a media slander. A controversial video wherein Rajawat was seen criticising the BJP legislator’s decision is apparently fake, claimed by the victim himself. When the clip was broadcasted on a local news channel, the MLA denied giving such statements in public.

What did Rajawat Say in this Video?

Bhawani Singh, who is from Ladpura (Kota) was caught on camera issuing negative statements against his own government,

“Adani, Ambani and others knew about it (demonetisation) beforehand. They had been given a hint and they made arrangements accordingly. First you (government) should have printed the new currency as per requirement. But like announcements of changes in petrol prices, you announced that Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 are invalid from midnight. Moreover, upon touching the note, it looks totally third-class.”….

As soon as the video went viral on social networks, it stirred a new round of controversies against the government. Surprisingly, the video was released at the same time when Opposition and the Leftists joined hands against the government to pressurize them into revoking this decision. Quite a coincidence, isn’t it?

Contradicting his previous statement, Bhawani Singh later claimed ,” I did not say any of those things being shown in the video”, in an interview with other newspapers. Singh, who is clearly a victim to this controversy said that his conversation was ‘off-the-record’ and his comments were distorted to put him in a negative limelight.

Despite world famous economists and foreign leaders supporting the Centre’s decision, the countrymen are divided in their opinions. While the common man is upset over currency crush, opposition leaders are more or less concerned about funding upcoming elections. In the light of current currency ban, they find themselves helpless when it comes to financing election campaigns. They’re not even ready to perform online transactions or NEFT transfers for this purpose. This puts up a big question at their ‘transparent election campaigning’ policies.

In any case, the MLA’s comments highlight the increasing plight of a common man. The reports of a public survey conducted by Amit Shah to assess public response regarding demonetization reveals BJP’s decision could boomerang for the government if they do not fulfil the rising currency demand in the market. The government is likely to put in every effort in this direction. ATMs are being re-calibrated with new notes and government has modified withdrawal limits for farmers, agricultural traders and marriage parties. In desperate times like these, Indians must support the government in its fight against black money and corruption. People need to understand that great sacrifices are essential for a good cause.


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